A few weeks ago, I was scrolling through Instagram when I saw an ad for graphic t-shirts promoting “choosing used.” My first thought was oh bother, more greenwashing.
Greenwashing is a term that refers to a campaign that attempts to make a company look more environmentally friendly when in reality they are not. H&M is the most notable culprit. In a future article, we will dive deeper into greenwashing and how it is running rampant, especially in recent years. But before we talk about companies who are doing it wrong, let’s focus on one who is doing it right.
The ad I saw was from the company thredUP which is self-proclaimed as the largest online thrift store. When I saw they were selling these graphic tees I was baffled at why this website which to my knowledge was strictly second-hand items was selling new t-shirts. But when I clicked the link I was oh so pleasantly surprised!
The colorful graphics with phrases such as “used goods,” “thank you for choosing used,” “I wear used clothes,” and “it takes 700 gallons of water to make one new t-shirt” were printed on a variety of second-hand shirts. These shirts were not hypocritical new items preaching to choose used as I had originally thought. They really were used goods. What a great idea! I have never seen another company print graphics on second-hand items.
The items were very size-inclusive and I even saw a couple of maternity items featured in the collection which is a collab with Olivia Wilde and Conscious Commerce. These shirts aren’t just spreading the good word, 10% of net proceeds also go to the Circular Fashion Fund.
I bought two of the available designs and might be going back for more. You can buy your own shirts from the Choose Used Collection. But hurry, because it’s only for a limited time.
I should note that this post is in no way sponsored, I am just seriously impressed by thredUP and this collection. I hope more companies will follow in thredUp’s footsteps and stop making “sustainable” collections that are nothing but greenwashing and actually start working towards positive change.
