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Dressed [Not] To Kill

fashion that is kind to people and the planet

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Mastering "The Hunt"

dressed [not] to kill

In my last post, you learned how to discover your personal style. Now that you know what you like, you need to know how to find it at the thrift store. Here's some tips to make the most of your thrifting experience

First, make sure you allow yourself plenty of time to shop. You never want to feel rushed while thrifting, because that will lead to stress.

Once you figure out what kind of item you want, for example, a shirt, you need to make sure you don’t miss a single shirt. That means widening your search parameters. Let’s say that like me, you identify as a woman and usually wear a size large. You should look at sizes medium through 2XL in both the women’s and men’s section. You never know what you could find! Sometimes items run large or small or are misplaced in the wrong section.

It’s not enough to look at every section. You need to look at every item. Yes, every single item. What I recommend is pushing all the hangers on the rack to one side and then you can easily file through the hangers pushing them into the empty space you’ve created. Some things that never would have caught your eye when you’re just glancing at the rack may turn out to have potential when you actually get a good look at them.

When you are loading up your cart, this is not the time to be picky. Put anything you think might work into the cart even if you’re not so sure. You never really know how something will look on you until you try it on.

Recently, I was on the hunt for a black turtleneck for fall layering. I grabbed every single black turtleneck they had on the racks to try on. It doesn’t make sense to guess which one I like best by just looking at it on the hanger. It’s easier to find the perfect one when you have lots of options to physically try on your body.

Once you’re in the dressing room, it is time to be ruthless. If you try something on and you don’t love it, you don’t need it. Even overconsumption at the thrift store is still overconsumption, which is something we try to avoid when aiming for sustainability. But if you love something, you should totally get it!

Thrifting can be very hit and miss. I normally take loads of clothing into the dressing room and only about twenty-five percent actually works out. Don’t let yourself be discouraged by this! It is all part of the process.

Personally, I think the “hunt” involved in thrifting is really exciting. You feel accomplished when you find an awesome piece that speaks to your personal style.

By following these tips, you are setting yourself up for success! Thrifting should be fun, not frustrating, and if you go in with the right mindset, it will be fun!



The Why Behind It All

For as long as I've been able to carry a wallet, I've been an avid shopper and fashion enthusiast. It wasn't until I started college and learned about the tragedy at Rana Plaza in 2013 in an intro history class that I really started thinking about the impact of my shopping decisions. As I dived deeper into the issue I learned about the environmental and human rights issues surrounding fast fashion and I started making changes in my life. I want you to come on this journey with me as we both learn to be better humans!

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Why "Dressed [Not] To Kill?"

"dressed to kill" is a phrase we've all heard but the fashion industry quite literally is killing people and the environment. I prefer to look amazing and do no harm.

Who takes your photos?

All of my photos were taken by the amazing Andrea Knuth (name buddies!) of Coeur Designs! Check her out on Instagram @coeurdesigns

I'm interested in collabing! How should I contact you?

Awesome! I take all inquiries for collabs, offers, and requests through my business email

What's your name? How old are you? Where are you located?

My name is Andrea, I'm 22 years old, and I'm based in Dayton, OH.

Where can I find you on social media?

Feel free to follow my personal Instagram @duchessofdayt0n to keep up with my life! I also have a VSCO account dedicated to photos from this blog plus extras! VSCO is also the place to go to see where the items featured on this blog were purchased. follow me on VSCO @dressednottokill

What size are you?

I tend to consider myself a large/extra-large but I have items in my closet ranging from size small to 4XL! Thrifting has taught me to ignore the size on the label and just try it on!

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