As you have probably noticed, I love fashion. But a lot of people that I encounter will express to me how much they loathe shopping and dread getting dressed in the morning. For a lot of people, fashion is very intimidating. But it doesn’t have to be.
When you shop at the mall, you have trends being shoved in your face at every turn. It is hard to know if you really like a piece of clothing or if you are just buying it because you’ve seen a version of it on the mannequins at every store you’ve stepped foot in. Inevitably you’ll end up at home with nothing to show for your shopping excursion but a chunk missing from your bank account and a bag of clothing you don’t really enjoy and likely will never wear.
The great thing about thrifting is that you don’t have the fast fashion companies telling you what you should wear. You get to decide what you like!
You may be thinking to yourself, but I don’t know what I like. Well, before you go to the thrift store, dedicate some time to discovering your personal style.
A good place to start is to give your closet a good ole Marie Kondo. Before you say goodbye to an item that does not spark joy, ask yourself what it is about the item that you don’t like. Is it the fit? The material? The color? The pattern? Make a note of what you don’t like about these items.
Do the same with pieces in your wardrobe you love and find yourself wearing again and again. Ask yourself what specifically about the piece makes it one of your favorites.
This same method of asking a specific “why?” can be applied outside your own closet. The next time you are on Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube, a blog (like this one!), or watching tv or movies, and you see an outfit that you love, ask yourself what makes you love it. If something is not your cup of tea, ask yourself “why not?”
Once you have a better understanding of elements that you like and dislike, make a physical list (on your phone or pen to paper) of things you should be looking for on your trip to the thrift store. Now you’re ready to find items that will truly spark joy and make you feel like yourself, instead of a cookie-cutter fast fashion robot.
In my next article, I will provide you with some tips to get the most out of your in-store experience at the thrift store, so be sure to stick around.
Some of my inspiration for this article came from content creators, bestdressed and Jessica Neistadt. Definitely check out their videos for more on this topic.
