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Dressed [Not] To Kill

fashion that is kind to people and the planet

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Forever 21 Is Failing, But Fast Fashion Is Still Thriving

dressed [not] to kill

Here’s the scoop: Forever 21 is considering filing for bankruptcy. It should be noted that this doesn’t necessarily mean the company is shutting down, but rather they have a serious debt problem they need to get out of before moving forward.

At first glance, sustainable fashion fiends like myself might think this is great! The death of fast fashion! While consumer awareness about the skeleton’s in Forever 21’s closet may point to their downfall, there’s actually a more likely answer and it isn’t pretty.

Let’s break it down. Forever 21 is a textbook fast-fashion company. They spit out new designs rapid-fire to keep up with whatever trend is happening that week. On top of that their prices are astonishingly low. It’s no wonder it was such a popular destination for me and my friends as teenagers when we had nothing but babysitting money in our pockets. However, this kind of production comes at a cost. Cosmopolitan’s Style Director Charles Manning was quoted in a Washington Examiner article saying:

“Brands like Forever 21 need cheap (even criminally cheap) labor to produce goods they can then turn around and sell at the insanely low prices consumers have come to expect. But it is impossible to ethically produce a dress for $18 without it severely impacting a company's bottom line, which, let's be real, is the only thing any company actually cares about.”

just daydreaming about a world without fast fashion

If you’ve been around on this blog for a while you know this makes Forever 21 a prime candidate for the Andrea-doesn’t-shop-here list. The fast-fashion giant’s declining sales show us I’m not the only one who no longer shops at Forever 21. But my fellow Young Millenials might have a different reason for breaking up with the brand

Solely-online fast-fashion retailers like zaful, shein, boohoo, and nasty gal are becoming increasingly popular among Gen Z and Millenials who want to look trendy on a budget. The rise of these online marketplaces is the main cause of the demise of brick and mortar stores found in malls like Forever 21.

So it looks like consumers have replaced one fast-fashion problem with another, even larger, fast-fashion craze. Pretty grim news if you ask me. Is there hope for change anytime soon?

The market has spoken: online shopping is in and brick and mortar is out. Luckily, the thrifting game

is keeping up. Apps like depop, poshmark, thredup, and the up-and-coming relovv, allow users to buy second-hand items from the comfort of their own home. And while youtube is filled with influencers promoting these online fast fashion stores through brand deals, there are also innumerable creators making thrifting content.

Thrifting has been around for a while, but it is fighting the good fight to stay relevant. The deciding factor on which consumption habits will come out on top will be the conscious decision people are making to act more sustainably.

So spread the word on social media, have a conversation with a friend, share this blog post. We can and will have a better tomorrow if we all do our part and be the change.

Want to follow along with my background research? Check out these articles that informed my post from Forbes, Vox, Washington Examiner, and MTV



The Why Behind It All

For as long as I've been able to carry a wallet, I've been an avid shopper and fashion enthusiast. It wasn't until I started college and learned about the tragedy at Rana Plaza in 2013 in an intro history class that I really started thinking about the impact of my shopping decisions. As I dived deeper into the issue I learned about the environmental and human rights issues surrounding fast fashion and I started making changes in my life. I want you to come on this journey with me as we both learn to be better humans!

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Why "Dressed [Not] To Kill?"

"dressed to kill" is a phrase we've all heard but the fashion industry quite literally is killing people and the environment. I prefer to look amazing and do no harm.

Who takes your photos?

All of my photos were taken by the amazing Andrea Knuth (name buddies!) of Coeur Designs! Check her out on Instagram @coeurdesigns

I'm interested in collabing! How should I contact you?

Awesome! I take all inquiries for collabs, offers, and requests through my business email

What's your name? How old are you? Where are you located?

My name is Andrea, I'm 22 years old, and I'm based in Dayton, OH.

Where can I find you on social media?

Feel free to follow my personal Instagram @duchessofdayt0n to keep up with my life! I also have a VSCO account dedicated to photos from this blog plus extras! VSCO is also the place to go to see where the items featured on this blog were purchased. follow me on VSCO @dressednottokill

What size are you?

I tend to consider myself a large/extra-large but I have items in my closet ranging from size small to 4XL! Thrifting has taught me to ignore the size on the label and just try it on!

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